It was unbelievable today. We went on an auto accident on I-15 this afternoon in Kaysville. There were reports of several cars involved and at least one person was unconscious. We were the second ambulance on scene.
When we pulled up the life flight helicopter was just landing to take away the unconcious guy. When we asked one of the state troopers what had happened he told us that this little car had hit this truck. Now the little car definatley took the brunt of things. Then he tells us that the passenger in the truck got out and went over to the car and started punching the unconscious guy.
I couldn't belive it, what a coward to go over and pummel some one who can't even defend themselves. He ended up going to the hospital to just to get checked out, but UHP assured us he was going to jail as soon as he could.
"You're Not Broken." TRUE.
7 years ago