Manute entered the NBA in 1985. He played for Washington, Golden State, Philadelphia and Miami during his 10 year career.
As a kid I always thought that Manute was really a site to behold when I saw him play on TV. At least half a foot taller then the next tallest guy on the floor and probably weighed about as much as the shortest guy on the floor.

I will miss you Manute. The NBA was not the same with out you, though they did have Shawn Bradley for a while who fit the same mold as Manute only he was white. Perhaps some day he can be honored with a spot in the basket ball hall fame, though that seems unlikely since he wasn’t really that great of a player. His numbers weren't that great and really the only thing he was famous for was being the second tallest player in the NBA.

October 16, 1962 – June 19, 2010
Please chech out the link, it's funny
Yes, goodbye, Manute. And goodbye, Majestic Carribbean cruises.
Oh my gosh, that guy is so tall.
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